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Check out other ways you can advocate below! 

Why Does C-PTSD Need to Be in the DSM?


We are pushing a national agenda to make C-PTSD a recognized disorder in DSM. With our advocacy efforts, we are forging relationships with survivors and mental health professionals to make successful leaps to provide the recognition our community deserves.


We know that when there is more awareness around a disorder, there is more research devoted to it, and helping sufferers. With C-PTSD in the DSM, more mental health professionals will better learn about the symptoms so they are better equipped to serve our community.


Receiving a C-PTSD diagnosis can be scary. For many of us, we have felt relief and empowerment through this diagnosis, as we finally begin to realize there is nothing wrong with us. The symptoms that come along with C-PTSD are a normal reaction to an abnormal situation, like trauma.


When C-PTSD is a recognized disorder, more people will be able to receive the care they deserve. Therapists and providers will be more likely to spot the symptoms so people don’t have to suffer in silence, from an undiagnosed reason.

C-PTSD in the DSM reaffirms what we know at Healing & CPTSD: trauma has lasting effects on the body and mind.

Through appropriate care, healing is possible.

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We don't want to let C-PTSD go unrecognized any longer. We believe that showing the APA that we are here and that we want to be accounted for to help raise awareness and research on this disorder.
Help us make noise! 

*Please do NOT donate to We do NOT receive the funds from this, nor does that money go to helping those with C-PTSD, or the advocacy efforts. If you want to donate money to help our work, please check out the support page to ensure your contribution is going to the right place. 

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©  2021 by HEALING & CPTSD LLC

Healing and CPTSD LLC is not crisis care. If you ever feel you are in crisis please reach out to an online or local crisis resource, or contact your mental health or medical provider.  Nothing on this website or any associated Healing and CPTSD LLC websites, is a replacement for or supersedes the direction of your medical or mental health provider, nor is anything on this or any associated Healing and CPTSD LLC website a diagnosis, treatment plan, advice, or care for any medical or mental health illness, condition, or disease.

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